Badge Check
Verify the identity and qualifications of contractors and employees.
The TVTC Badge Check system is a plant access application that verifies the identity and qualifications of contractors and employees. You will be able to scan badges and get an audio and visual response that indicates whether the badge holder meets defined site requirements. An individualās badge will not work if the person has not taken the required site-specific safety training or if his or her profile is not approved.
- Multi-tier programmable parameters
- Hands-free operation
- Alternate keyboard input
- Photo display
- Large red and green indicators
- Name displayed on-screen
- Audio indicators
- Compatible with all TVTC customer data
Programmable parameters
- SSV: Social Security verification
- Drug Screen verification
- Background Check verification
- Basic Plus verification
- Site-Specific Course verification
- Identity-based access restriction
- Report feature provides reports and contractor badge in/out data
- Set up multi-tier access (Example: Contractor Requirements and Visitor/Vendor Requirements)